P123 is an open workshop for experienced poets. Here writers will hone their skills as advanced poets, study recognized poets, discuss matters of joint interest, practice prosody, expand their knowledge of poetic forms, participate in the development of group exercises and course facilitation, have a place to pursue literary critiques of poems and poets and work with some of the master poets at WVU. Participants are encouraged to participate in weekly live critiques and discussions but that is not a requirement for participation in the course.
Permission of the course developers and completion of at least one other poetry course at WVU. Applicants should send three poems of different types, i.e., sonnet, haiku, villanelle, sestina, lyric, narrative, persona, etc., and one explication of a poem by a well
known poet to these three course facilitators:
Text to be decided upon by agreement of workshop members.
Readings and discussions, Writing assignments, serious critique, exercise creation by
members, and chat facilitation by members.