Online chats are scheduled at regular intervals. There are three kinds of chats.
Every member of the workshop has a chance to become the "featured poet" for a chat. The poet posts three poems on the board ahead of time.
P123 member then meet to discuss the poems online in the P123 chat room.
If a member of the workshop cannot attend, he/she is required to give feedback on the board.
Challenge chats are also held. One member of the workshop acts as the chat facilitator. He/she posts a topic to the board ahead of time. P123 poets are challenged to write a poem on that topic. The chat facilitator also acts as the chat facilitator. Participation in the challenge chat is optional.
"Get-acquainted" chats are also held.
Chats are usually scheduled for A Saturday morning at 12:00 noon (EST), 11:00 a. m. (CST), 10:00 a. m.(MST) and 9:00 a.m.(PST).
The chatroom can be accessed from the direct link on the
P123 index page
or by going directly to
the main chat page