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These are some good books about poetry that I've come across.
  1. Addonizio, Kim & Laux, Dorianne. The poet's companion: a a guide to the pleasures of writing poetry. (1997) New York: Norton.
  2. The Teachers and Writers Handbook of Poetic Forms. 2d edition. Edited by by Ron Padgett. Teachers and Writers (2000)
  3. Kennedy, X. J. An introduction to poetry. Any edition after the 6th ed. (1983 or later) Boston: Little Brown.
  4. The Poet's Market. Annual edition. Cincinnati: Writer's Digest
  5. Jerome, Judson. The Poet's Handbook. (l980) Cincinnati: Writer's Digest
  6. Bugeja, Michael J. The art and craft of poetry. Cincinnati: Writer's Digest (1994)
  7. Wooldridge, Susan G. Poemcrazy - freeing your life with words. New York: Clarkson Potter (1996)
  8. Deutsch, Babette. Poetry handbook; a dictionary of terms . New York, Barnes and Noble, latest edition
  9. Kowit, Steve. In the palm of your hand; the poet’s portable workshop . Gardiner, ME: Tilbury House (1995)
  10. Moustaki, Nikki. The complete idiot’s guide to writing poetry . Indianapolis, Alpha Books (2001)
  11. Wallace, Robert. Writing poems. Boston, Little Brown (1982)
  12. Mock, Jeff. You Can Write Poetry. (l998) Cincinnati: Writer's Digest
  13. Bender, Sheila. Writing personal poetry - creating poems from your life experience. Cincinnati: Writer's Digest Books, (1998)
  14. Kinzie, Mary. A poet's guide to poetry. Chicago: University of Chicago Press (1999)
  15. Corn, Alfred. The poet's heartbeat - a manual of prosody. Ashland, OR: Story Line Press, (1998)
  16. Fox, John. Poetic medicine: the healing art of poem-making. New York: Putnam (1997)
  17. Behn, Robin and Twichell, Charles. The practice of poetry - writing exercises from poets who teach. New York: Harper (1992)
  18. Peacock, Molly. How to read a poem and start a poetry circle. Toronto: McClelland & Stewart (1999)
  19. Kirby, David. Writing poems; where poems come from and how to write them. Revised edition Boston: The Writer (1997)
  20. Oliver, Mary. A poetry handbook. San Diego, Harcourt Brace (1994).
  21. Pinsky, Robert. The sounds of poetry’ a brief guide. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux (1998)
  22. Bogen, Nancy. How to write poetry. Macmillan USA (1998)
  23. Rozakis, Laurie E. How to interpret poetry. 2d edition Macmillan USA (1998)
  24. Paul B. Janeczko. How to Write Poetry. Scholastic (2001)
  25. Meinke, Peter. The shape of poetry; how to write a poem. Boston, The Writer (1999)
  26. Tucker, Shelley. Writing poetry. GoodYear Books (1992)
  27. Alderson, Daniel. Talking back to poems. Berkley, CA, Celestialarts (1996)
  28. The New Princeton Handbook of Poetic Terms. Edited by Alex Preminger, Frank J. Warnke and O. B. Hardison (Editor). Princeton Univ Press (1994)
  29. Cleanth, Brooks & Warren, Robert Penn. Understanding poetry.4th edition. (1976) New York: Holt, Rinehart, and Winston

If you come across books on writing that you find useful, pass them on to your local public library so that writers in your community may benefit.

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